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Forum Post: RE: Removing large numbers of customer / item override prices

I do that sort of thing through an ODBC connection with Microsoft Access or sometimes directly in SQL Server.

Forum Post: report of purchased items

I am fairly new to the Sage and MAS.   I searched the forum and can't figure out how to run a report to get total purchased items by quantity and by dollar amount (over a period of time).   This should be standard in any ERP.   Can someone please help point to me where to run this report.   Thank you in advance.  

Forum Post: GL Segments

I have a customer who got carried away with adding segments.  Is there a way to remove GL segments?  I know you will need to merge to zero (000) segments.

Forum Post: SO Entry - Add Line based on ShipVia Code - Logical Question

Hi All, I have presented a problem that, in itself, sounds simple enough. If we have a ShipVia that starts with a certain character code (Let's say "ABC" ) then we are going to add a line item (misc charge) for certain criteria. My initial thought was to utilize the PostValidate of ShipVia to add/check the lines as necessary. This doesn't work. It seems the ShipVia PostValidate completes before the CustomerNo PostValidate does, for a new order. Meaning that if I create a line on validate of ShipVia, when the CustomerNo validation happens I get prompted with a message about recalculating the price of the existing lines - which we don't want. Can you guys think of any way for this to happen successfully, for both new orders and when a ship via is changed? Another thought was to set a storage variable and then create the line at a later date, but I can't wrap my head around what and where. Any help is appreciated.

Forum Post: RE: BOI - unable to get value with nGetNextJournalNo and can't set key

object[] oNextEntry = new object[] { "AP", "EntryNo$" }; gl_bus.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetNextEntryNo", oNextEntry); sJournalEntryNo = oNextEntry[1].ToString();

Forum Post: RE: Suppressing 0 quantity on Packing List

I have the same problem, could you please rewrite the formula here?

Forum Post: RE: Suppressing Qty Ordered 0 from printing on Sales Orders

Could someone give me more details? I went to suppress but have no idea suppress what part? the whole detail section? or suppress(no drill-down) or blank section? or quantity shipped section?  under quantity shipped is a suppress: formula = {SO_InvoiceWrk.ItemType} = "3" not sure what this is for, just want to not print out zero shipped items on invoice or sales order

Forum Post: message box if credit card expired

I'd like to display a message in sales order entry if the customer is using credit card terms and their credit card is expired. If you've done that already would you mind sharing the code? Thanks.

Forum Post: Sage 2013 and OpenSSL

Testing Sage 2013, I discovered that the SSL configuration in the Application Server uses OpenSSL (page 61 of the Installation and System Administrator's Guide). Will there be a patch for this? Steve MAS200 V4.4.8 soon to be Sage 2013

Forum Post: SalesOrder/ / Invoice CUSTOMERPONO field length

Is it possible to increase the length of this field from 15 to 30 chars?  We have a new customer that uses 20 character lenth PO's and currently we're not able to enter them.  I can create a UDF if necessary, but would rather use the built in fields. Thanks,

Forum Post: RE: message box if credit card expired

So I thought maybe it's enough just to show the credit card info on the header screen. But when I put the expiration date(s) and last 4 unencrypted numbers on that screen they don't show anything and they look grayed out. I'm pulling them from the SO_SalesOrder_bus.EncryptedCreditCardNo area. I don't need to do anything with this data, I just want to show it to the operator.

Forum Post: Cannot Create Business Object

I am using the docs and examples from the Sage University BOI class. I cannot get past a certain point. The user has full access rights. This line returns a number "20000001" Dim TaskID As Integer = oSS.nLookupTask("GL_Account_ui") This line returns a number "100004" instead of the expected 1 or 0 retVAL = oSS.nSetProgram(TaskID) Then of course this line fails oGLAccount = oScript.NewObject("GL_Account_bus", oSS) Complete Code Below:     Public Sub CreateConnectionDemo()         oScript = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")         oScript.Init("M:\Best\Mas 200\Version4\Mas90\Home")         oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")         retVAL = oSS.nlogon()         If retVAL = 0 Then             User = Trim(InputBox("Enter User Name"))             Password = Trim(InputBox("Enter Password"))             retVAL = oSS.nSetUser(User, Password)         End If         If retVAL = 0 Then             MsgBox(oSS.sLastErrorMsg)             oSS.DropObject()             oSS = Nothing             oSS.WScript.Quit()         End If         retVAL = oSS.nSetCompany("TST")         If retVAL = 0 Then             MsgBox(oSS.sLastErrorMsg)             oSS.DropObject()             oSS = Nothing             oSS.WScript.Quit()         End If         retVAL = oSS.nSetDate("G/L", "20050315")         If retVAL = 0 Then             MsgBox("SetDate Failed - " & oSS.sLastErrorMsg)         Else             retVAL = oSS.nSetModule("G/L")             If retVAL = 0 Then                 MsgBox("SetModule Failed - " & oSS.sLastErrorMsg)             Else                 MsgBox("Current Company: " & oSS.sCompanyName & vbCrLf & "Company Data Path: " & oSS.sPathCompany & vbCrLf & "Current Module: " & oSS.sModuleName & vbCrLf & "Module Date: " & oSS.sModuleDate)             End If         End If         Dim TaskID As Integer = oSS.nLookupTask("GL_Account_ui")         retVAL = oSS.nSetProgram(TaskID)         If retVAL = 0 Then             oGLAccount = oScript.NewObject("GL_Account_bus", oSS)         Else             Dim mssg = oSS.sLastErrorMsg             MsgBox(mssg)         End If         MsgBox("Read Access:" & CStr(oSS.oSecurity.nReadAccess) & vbCrLf & "Create Access:" & CStr(oSS.oSecurity.nCreateAccess) & vbCrLf & "Modify Access:" & CStr(oSS.oSecurity.nModifyAccess) & vbCrLf & "Delete Access:" & CStr(oSS.oSecurity.nDeleteAccess))         If oSS.oSecurity.nCreateAccess = 1 Then             MsgBox("User Has Create Privilages")         Else             MsgBox("User Does Not Have Create Privilages")         End If         oSS.nCleanUp()         oSS.DropObject()         oSS = Nothing         oScript = Nothing     End Sub

Forum Post: RE: Invoice Payment Selection does not pick up Credit Invoices

Thanks for posting.  I knew I had seen this somewhere and my client had the issue today.  WOULD be so nice to be able to search the Sage Knowledge base and be able to find information that it is a reported bug so I could spend less time searching for if it is a know issue. I checked today and there is not hot fix or anything to show it's a known issue.  

Forum Post: RE: Invoice Payment Selection does not pick up Credit Invoices

I was able to manually select the credit memos in check maintenance but that was after the check had been printed and had to be voided.

Forum Post: RE: Cannot Create Business Object

Have you enabled external access in company maintenance?

Forum Post: RE: Script creates duplicated Invoice Lines

Hi postnik706 Not sure exactly when this went into effect, but it I have looked back as far as version 4.3 and it was in that version as well. Elliott

Forum Post: RE: Cannot Create Business Object

Thank you to Kent Mackall For finding the Answer. His answer was deleted by the SageCity spam filter.         If retVAL = 0 Then ==== Problem is Here. Docs are wrong. Example 3 Lab is not correct. Change to " " or " "            oGLAccount = oScript.NewObject("GL_Account_bus", oSS)        Else            Dim mssg = oSS.sLastErrorMsg            MsgBox(mssg)        End If

Forum Post: RE: Cannot Create Business Object

Oops,  I will see if I can get that document corrected.  Thanks! Kent

Forum Post: Closing purchase orders

We're using MAS 200.  We have several purchase orders that we're unable to close in the normal way.  These are purchase orders that if we use the normal channel to close the PO, it will add to our inventory & then we'll have to invoice OR we'd have to make manual adjustments to correct inventory or manual entries to correct payables....and we don't want to do any of those.  So, is there some way to DELETE a purchase order that has activity?

Forum Post: Get NewObject Error 65 When Creating Sales Order object

On my development machine I am getting the error code "NewObject Error: 65" when trying to create a sales order object. Our MAS 200 installation is on an internal server local to our office but not on my machine. I am developing in C# but have created a VB class library to hold the VB code and added a reference to the class in my project. Public Sub CreateSOConnection()         Try             ' Create and Init ProvideX.Script Object             oPVX = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")             oPVX.Init("M:\Best\Mas 200\Version4\Mas90\Home")             ' Create and Initialize Session Object             oSS = oPVX.NewObject("SY_Session")             oSS.nSetUser("abc", "abc123456")             oSS.nSetCompany("TST")             oSS.nSetDate("S/O", "20100531")             oSS.nSetModule("S/O")             ' Create Sales Order Business Object             oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("SO_SalesOrder_ui"))             soORDER = oPVX.NewObject("SO_SalesOrder_bus", oSS) == Fails Here             ' Create Customer Business object             oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_Customer_ui"))             arCUST = oPVX.NewObject("AR_Customer_bus", oSS)             MsgBox("Good")         Catch ex As Exception             MsgBox(ex.Message)         End Try     End Sub
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